RFID Door Locks

Homeowner key request form and information.

Salto RFID Door Lock System Policy and Update

In Fall of 2022 there were new RFID door locks installed in all the buildings on the resort.

Effective immediately, Panorama will be implementing a new policy as it relates to door key quantities. The new policy is as follows:

If you have a Salto RFID lock on your door
  • Regardless of where your property is located on the resort, owners will receive a preset number of RFID key cards included with Salto RFID door locks. The number of RFID keys provided at no charge is based on the size of your unit.
  • These cards are considered “owner” or “permanent” keys, which means that they don’t have a set expiry date (compared to “guest” keys which expire on the guest’s departure date).
  • Owners have the option to purchase up to 4 additional keys at a cost of $2 each key. Replacement of lost keys will be charged at the same rate.
  • Only owners or a pre-authorized proxy may pick up owner keys.
  • Guests of an owner (other than guests coming through the Rental Pool) must be pre-authorized by the owner via an email to front.desk@panoramaresort.com. All emails must include the guest’s name and date of arrival/departure.
Studio or 1 Bedroom 2 4 6
2 Bedroom 3 4 7
3 Bedroom 4 4 8
If you don't have a Salto RFID lock on your door

Regardless of where your property is located on the resort, homeowners will still need a Salto RFID key card if you want to access Village Amenities (VA) like the Panorama Springs Pools or the fitness centre in The Approach Hotel.

  • These amenities had a Ving lock previously, but they are now switched over to a Salto RFID lock.
  • For each property/address that is subject to the Village Amenity Agreement, 2 RFID key cards for accessing the Panorama Springs Pools and fitness centre will be provided free of charge.
  • Additional key cards (up to a maximum of 4 extra cards per property/address) can be purchase for $2 each key. Same as under the old Ving lock system, our Front Desk team will verify if you are current in paying your annual VA Fees and keys (free or purchased) will only be issued if you are current.
  • The expiry date for these “VA access” key cards will be extended annually upon verification that you are current in paying your VA Fees.
  • Only owners or a pre-authorized proxy may pick up keys. Front Desk will no longer provide keys to non-owners staying at these properties. If owners have guests staying at their property, the guests are to use the owner’s key for Village Amenities.
Village Amenity Keys 2 4 6
Guest stays in your unit or property

When you have guests staying in your unit or property (regardless of where your property is located):

  • Currently, Central Check-In still has access to the old Ving key card equipment and software and they are able to assist owners (and their guests) who still have an old Ving lock on their door. We will be notifying these owners that the Ving system at Central Check-In will be decommissioned as of April 30, 2023. After this date, Central Check-In will no longer be able to assist with the issuing or troubleshooting of Ving key cards. From that date, Central Check-In will only be able to issue keys for properties that are equipped with a Salto RFID lock. For any other lock system, you will need to make your own arrangements to provide access to your guests.

  • Salto keys that are issued to your guests will include access to your property, any common property (e.g. building entrance and parkade doors, if applicable) and the Village Amenities. The difference to owner or permanent keys is that these are “guest” or “temporary” keys that will expire on the departure date.

  • If you don’t have a Salto RFID lock on your door and you want your guests to enjoy the Village Amenities, you should leave your own VA access key card(s) in your unit and direct your guests to use these keys and to put them back in your unit.

  • The maximum number of “guest” or “temporary” keys for guests staying in your unit is the same as the number of owner keys that applies to your unit. If your guests require more keys, they can purchase these for $2 each key (up to the maximum of 4 extra key cards).

For Rental Pool Owners

The process for getting keys to your unit remains the same.

  • Please book your stays as per the usual process and contact CCI to get your keys for your stay.
  • Central Check-In will issue guest keys that are valid for the duration of your stay, including access to Village Amenities.
  • When you take your RFID card to Guest Services — located in Ski-Tip Lodge in our upper village — and update your profile to Homeowner  you'll be added to our Homeowner Advantage Program, specifically for owners in our rental pool! Reach out to our Homeowner Experience department to learn more!
  • Contractors, such as trades people and cleaners, will be required to arrange keys with the owner of the unit the contractor needs to access. Contractors can purchase a key at a cost of $2 each key. Contractors are then able to reuse this key on subsequent visits to Panorama and have the card reloaded. Contractor keys will only have access to the respective building’s entrance doors and the respective owner’s unit door (no access to Village Amenities).
  • All contractors must be pre-authorized by the owner via an email to front.desk@panoramaresort.com. All emails must include the contractor’s name and dates of approved access.
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9:00AM 25 March, 2025



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