What you need to know to have a great day, and another
Panorama has a commitment to provide a safe environment for our guests and visitors on the mountain and in the resort. Information contained on this page is intended to inform guests of the risk, dangers and hazards that can be encountered while on the mountain and to help guests stay safe while recreating.
Safety & risk awareness in ski areas.
Please visit SkiSafety.ca for information on lift safety, mountain signage, safety in terrain parks, speed and collision safety, responsibility codes and other important mountain biking and skiing and riding safety.
Skiing, snowboarding, and cross country skiing (Nordic) involves various risks, dangers and hazards including, but not limited to the following:
What you should know when skiing alone at Panorama. Skiing with a buddy is highly recommended, but sometimes it can’t be managed. Here are some tips on what to do when you are all by yourself at Panorama.
Due to the dangerous nature of the activity and the lack of a suitable location, tobogganing is not permitted in Panorama’s Controlled Recreational Area or on Panorama Property. Interested in playing in the snow? Visit our Guest Services in Ski Tip Lodge and ask about Nordic skiing, ice skating or snowshoeing.
Biking and hiking involves various risks, dangers and hazards including, but not limited to the following:
Injuries are a common and expected part of mountain biking. Mountain biking at Panorama Mountain takes place on steep and rugged terrain and features that are both physically and technically challenging and will expose the rider to many risks, dangers and hazards.
Users must be prepared to overcome the challenges of a remote mountain environment including wildlife, weather, mechanical failures and injury. Make a trip plan and share it. Tell someone when you expect to return.
Suggested equipment includes but is not limited to:
Wear a helmet where appropriate, hike & ride within your ability, never hike & ride alone and stay on designated trails.
Panorama Mountain Resort is surrounded by some of the most rugged mountain terrain in North America. The alpine meadows, forests and valleys are frequented by wildlife.
Never bike or hike alone! Travel in groups when venturing away from the village as bears and cougars tend to avoid human-contact with larger groups who are making lots of noise. Wearing bells, talking or singing helps alert animals to your presence without startling them. Your behavior could help avoid aggressive encounters. You may consider carrying bear spray; remember that this is a deterrent and not a life-saving device.
Always use animal proof garbage bins. Animals are attracted to garbage and once habituated often have to be destroyed.
Do not approach wildlife to take photos. If you see a deer, remember: Give it plenty of room, During fawning season doe are aggressive and territorial in the protection of their young. Guests with dogs must take extra caution. Fawns are well camouflaged and very difficult to see. If you see a bear or cougar: Remain calm; don't panic. Bring children and pets to your side, never approach the animal and do not run from it. Warn others of the animal’s presence, without yelling. If you’re on Panorama mountain, report the sighting and location to a bike park patroller or lift operator. If you are in the village, call Central Check-In by dialing 0 from any phone in the resort.
Skiers, snowboarders and bikers should be advised that a Green Circle, Blue Square or Black Diamond trail at Panorama Mountain Resort is not necessarily the same as a similarly rated trail at another area. The system is a relative system that is only valid at this area. Skiers, snowboarders and bikers should work their way up, beginning with the easiest trails, no matter what their ability level may be, until they are familiar with the trails at this area.
Be advised that all poles and / or flags, fencing, signage and padding on equipment or objects or other forms of marking devices are used by the ski/bike area to inform you of the presence or location of a potential obstacle or hazard. These markers are no guarantee of your safety and will not protect you from injury. It is part of your responsibility under the Alpine Responsibility Code and Mountain Biker's Responsibility code to avoid all obstacles or hazards, including those that are so marked.
Panorama recommends wearing helmets for skiing, snowboarding and biking. Guests are encouraged to educate themselves on the benefits and limitations of helmet usage. It is mandatory for mountain bikers. The primary safety consideration, and obligation under the Alpine Responsibility Code and Mountain Biker's Responsibility code is to ski, ride or bike in a controlled and responsible manner.
Panorama Mountain Resort (PMR) is closed to uphill travel during our snowmaking season. This season runs from first snowfall through to January 21.
The hazards associated with the mountain during this time include but are not limited to: high pressure water and air hoses, high voltage electricity, working machines such as snow cats and snowmobiles, shallow snowpack, extremely poor visibility and countless unmarked hazards.
In addition, slope preparation will include the use of explosives and other means of avalanche control.
Mountain staff are working 24hrs / day to prepare the slopes. They are not looking for, and do not expect the public to be recreating on the mountain.
This policy is intended for the safety of Panorama’s employees and the public. In the Province of British Columbia, the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resources Operations authorizes PMR to operate on crown land through a Controlled Recreation Area License (CRA). This license obligates the holder to control, prohibit and direct the movement and activities of persons and vehicles within the CRA. For more information please visit www.panoramaresort.com/cra or Government of BC
Panorama is open to uphill travel from 9:00am to 4:00pm daily until the last day of the ski season, or if otherwise posted due to low snowpack or hazardous conditions.
The designated uphill travel route is Stringer to all of Founder’s Ridge Terrain. Taynton Trail, Deck’s Cross, Messerli’s Mile and Campbell’s Canyon are closed to uphill traffic.
Uphill travel is prohibited on all other parts of the mountain. Users of this terrain must descend on skis or a snowboard.
Panorama Mountain Resort (PMR) is closed to uphill travel after the public ski season ends.
The hazards associated with the mountain during this time include but are not limited to: working machines such as snow cats and snowmobiles, shallow snowpack, and countless unmarked hazards.
In addition, avalanche control has ceased. Winter storms and solar warming are relevant and concerning weather events that will create avalanche danger.
Mountain staff are working daily. They are not looking for, and do not expect the public to be recreating on the mountain.
This policy is intended for the safety of Panorama’s employees and the public. In the Province of British Columbia, the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resources Operations authorizes PMR to operate on crown land through a Controlled Recreation Area License (CRA).
This license obligates the holder to control, prohibit and direct the movement and activities of persons and vehicles within the CRA. For more information please visit www.panoramaresort.com/cra or Government of BC
Panorama’s CRA is closed to all forms of unauthorized motor vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to motorcycles, snowmobiles and trucks or cars.
Panorama Mountain Resort does not permit the use of drones or other UAVs within its Controlled Recreation Area (CRA). Information about our CRA can be found at www.panoramaresort.com/cra.
The Canadian Aviation Regulation states that it is illegal to pilot a UAV within 9km of any heliport. Panorama is home to RK heliski. The heliport from which it operates is located in the heart of Panorama’s village.
You are responsible to fly your aircraft safely and legally. You must follow the rules set forth in the Canadian Aviation Regulations and respect the Criminal Code. Canadian Aviation Regulations are enforced by Transport Canada.
Any evidence regarding breach of this policy will be reported to Transport Canada and the RCMP. In addition, privileges at Panorama Mountain Resort will be revoked and criminal charges may be pursued.
The use of ski area premises and facilities and participation in activities at ski areas involves various risks, dangers and hazards. It is a condition of your use of the premises and facilities and your participation in these activities that you assume all risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting from any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any duty of care on the part of the ski area operator. Your legal responsibility as a user of the ski area premises and facilities or participant in activities at the ski area is explained in the following notice, which you will see posted at the ski area.
Mainly cloudy with isolated flurries.
Freezing level: 1700 metres.
Ridge wind southwest: 15 km/h gusting to 40 km/h.
1:20PM 23 March, 2025
Trails Open
Lifts Open
Groomed Runs